The Art Installation at the Orwell Trenches is Complete [Photo Gallery + Video Walkthrough]
May 20th was the anniversary of the day when George Orwell was shot, and ended his involvement and fighting in the Spanish civil war. As you can read in details in a previous blog posts, getting the installation ready for that date has been a true challenge and a stressful rush again time for several reasons: lack of support from the “supporting institutions”, delays and unavailability of the materials planned to be delivered months in advance, and the parallel work at the CDAN Museum, with an opening just two days before the opening in the trenches.
I thought the painted red gravel would have lasted until the end of the year (at least this is what the paint seller promised), but the weather turned that nice bright red into a washed-out pink-ish “salmon” color. As you can see in the pictures right above and in other close-ups from the photo gallery at the end of this post there is a huge difference in colour between the faded paint stones and the bright red ones that completed the installation.
The bright red gravel, being industrially painted (always using non-toxic colours), should last a bit more than the previous layer. According to the gravel vendor, the colour should resist the outdoor weather for at least three years outdoors, before eventually fading off, and turning into the brown-ish typical colour of the Monegros landscape. I think two years is a more accurate expectation, also considering the interaction of visitors walking on it – we’ll see. The colour will fade away, but the gravel will stay, so at least the trenches will continue to be accessible. See this article for more details on the preparation work for the land art installation (article in Spanish, but with many pictures).
Also big thanks to the Department of Environmental Services of Comarca Monegros (Servicios Medioambientales), who made a truck and a couple of their resources available to load the red gravel at the CDAN museum in Huesca, and transport it to the trenches in the Ruta Orwell. In retrospective, I believe this was the peak of the assistance the project has ever received from the “supporting institutions”, besides the press conference organized last May 16th by DPH (Diputación de Huesca), which I take the opportunity to thank again for their support to the project.
It would have been easy to promote the restored Ruta Orwell by leveraging the “just created” art intervention, but none of the local institutions of the territory has promoted Homenaje a Los Monegros (or George Orwell and the Ruta Orwell, for what it matters) posting something on their websites or social media spaces, or organizing a visit during the local festivities – not even sticking a flyer in the local bars, inviting people to visit the Ruta Orwell. If it wasn’t for this project website, there will be no trace of all the efforts, the dreams, the hard work and the art work that has been kindly “gifted” to The Monegros, its people and its institutions. Pretty much like investing time and efforts to make a great present to somebody, and then seeing your present being thrown away with the trash. Whatever. But this is Monegros, and there is nothing to do about it…
Four months later, when I made the final intervention a few weeks ago, there was a new accessibility problem due to total lack of maintenance, as I found the local bush vegetation that grows all along the trenches “invading” the passage in at least six points, making it difficult for people to complete the walk-around.
So again, before engaging in the work of parsing the bright red gravel, I had to spend half a day in doing “gardening maintenance”, clearing out all the passages for the future few visitors to come. While I was at it, I also spent one hour or so in collecting all the trash collected during the summer – plenty of cigarette butts, plastic, paper, a few beer cans an even a broken glass bottle – as obviously nobody cared of picking them up.
Orwell Monegros Remixed Summer 2019
Summer 2019, a new intervention for the Orwell Monegros Project, the land art installation in the Spanish civil war trenches where George Orwell fought back in 1936. Enjoy the photo gallery.
CDAN Huesca: The Wound Stays Open Until the End of Summer 2017
Homenaje a Aragón has been invited to join the latest CDAN exhibition “El borde de una herida”, and will remain featured at the Huesca museum until September 2017.
News, Pictures and Video from the Art Installation Opening at the CDAN Museum in Huesca
News and pictures from the opening of Homenaje a Aragón at the CDAN Museum in Huesca
A land art and cultural heritage project by Burningmax
With the institutional, media and communication support from