Dance Music from Hospitals | Part 1: Surgery

Dance Music from Hospitals | Part 1: Surgery

I spent a month in hospitals and couldn’t stop myself from mixing new DJ sets with fresh tracks while I was there. So here is my new mini-series “Dance Music from Hospitals“. This mix has been recorded barely two days after my surgery, and is dedicated to my new friend Andrea, a “30-years old me” I shared the hospital time with. Stay strong, brother! Enjoy Dance Music from Hospitals: Part 1 Surgery, and stay tuned for Part 2 (Rehab) coming soon! BURNINGMAX // DANCE MUSIC FROM HOSPITALS – PART 1: SURGERY DJSET PLAYLIST Elevation – Deer Jade6eme Songe – Alex Finkin & Rocco RodamaalShakermaker (Mollono.Bass Remix) – DompeSun is Dark – Sonaba & Henry ChrisPromises (Extended Mix) – Cornelius SARock Music (Erol Alkan Rework) – Cowboy RhythmboxArchive Our Past – Works of IntentNaila – Robag WruhmeReverie – Sama’ AbdulhadiLove Seeking (Âme Remix) – Mind AgainstChroma 005 A.L.O.E – Bicep & Benjamin DamageAfter The Sun – KlintDo You Want To Go Faster (feat. Francesco El Catolico) – Pig&Dan & Aitor RondaKey103 – Floating PointsHow To Wear Raybans Well (Nathan Fake Remix) – SashaJust stand there – Fred again.. & SOAKDeep Space Jam – Paul RouxFollow Me – AqualThey Just Talkin – Jay RobinsonGet Rockin’ – Noizu & JoshwaSam’s Pharmacy – Kaufmann (DE)Fog – Sebastian Russell Liked the DJ Set? Download it from here, enjoy it and share it with your friends! This mix is just for fun and not for commercial use. Copyright for each tune is owned by their respective artists and/or publishers. For more info on copyright see this page.   112201314800000000000000000000 LIVE DJ SETS STUDIO...
We’ll Keep The Man Burning | A Tribute to Larry Harvey | #thankslarry

We’ll Keep The Man Burning | A Tribute to Larry Harvey | #thankslarry

A Burningmax tribute to Larry Harvey, Burning Man’s founder and Chief Philosopher Officer. Larry Harvey passed away a couple of months ago, and June 21st has been declared Global Celebration / Day of Gratitude for Larry Harvey. I have dedicated Larry’s Gratitude Day to listening to several Larry Harvey video interviews and keynote presentations on YouTube (links below), then I decided to get some of the inspirational phrases he said out of those videos, and to mix them in a techno DJ set / studio mix. There are a couple of flaws here and there, specially with the lack of equalization of Larry’s recordings, and a couple of saturated basses here and there – but this has been a “one shot recording”, a sort of “live at home”, in my headphone. Immediacy, no post-production. I hope you’ll like it, and will get inspired too. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure if Larry would appreciate this, because, you know… techno was not his strong hat. But this is certainly the best way for me to say #thankslarry. You have been, you are and you will be one of my primary sources of inspiration, and so is the international community that spurred out of your hat. We’ll keep The Man burning. WE’LL KEEP THE MAN BURNING | A TRIBUTE TO LARRY HARVEY | #THANKSLARRY DJSET PLAYLIST :: Voyager – Redshape :: The Primary Clear Light – Surgeon :: Serpent – Patrice Bäumel :: Space Smokers Are Invading Mars – Coyu + Bastian Bux :: Black Screen – Flug :: We Are Phuture (Sebo K Remix) – Phuture :: Tanz...