More video soundtracks after the ones produced for Pitti Uomo. This latest production exercise is mostly my first chance to explore a bit my new Traktor F1.
A friend asked me to produce a techno soundtrack for a backstage video of a fashion photo shoot. There was no money involved so of course I said yes and produced 6 variations of the same track! You know me… =)

The video, still under production, has been shot using the time lapse technique, which inspired me also while putting the tracks together. Video time at 2min was a big challenge because in a short time I had to create an intro, an outro, and something in between with a bit of variations – basically, a mini-tune! Anyway, here are all six remixes of Timelapse Variation, inspired by international dance scenes and dedicated to: Berlin, New York, Ibiza, Tel Aviv, Marrakech and Helsinki. Enjoy!


Do you want to explore also all other Timeless Variations? Here they are! Which remix do you like most? Go on and comment! =)


These tracks are my production, and their intellectual property is covered with a Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share-A-Like license.
Only my friends at StudioZoom have permission to use these tracks in their backstage videos for commercial purposes, on a Creative Commons Attribution – Share-A-Like license. For more info on copyright please see this page.